About Morgan Reece

Elsewhere on the web

My appearance on Unveiled Wife
Iowa Law Review (fighting questionable trademarks)
YouTube channel
My latest book (link coming soon!)
My music (amateur recordings)
MorganReeceHQ.com Official Site


Welcome to my online home, where I help moms develop a biblical mindset and protect their creative businesses from trademark overreach. 

I started this blog as a way to support other moms facing postpartum depression. It’s also a way to promote kindness, happiness, faith, creative freedom, and biblical feminism by way of timeless, strategic principles.

Here are some things you should know about me: 

  • This site exists to empower and equip other women to thrive at home and at work (especially non-techie creatives).
  • I live in Stillwater, Oklahoma, with my husband and four of our six unprecedented children. Yes, they are, as are all children. 
  • I love love love playing with graphic design, websites, and writing to promote positive change. 
  • I blog, I have a book, and I create fun and fashionable products to encourage and inspire moms.
  • Menopause and memory loss has been a blessing in disguise, forcing me to create systems for reliable outcomes.
  • It might sound wacky, but I also create fun and educational products for creatives and trademark attorneys
  • I enjoy drinking kombucha and writing bizarre poems about trademark overreach

Did I mention menopause?

Between laundry, meals, homeschool, hormonal imbalance, and adrenal fatigue, working harder was never an option. 

Can I get an Amen?

And here’s a little secret most mothers eventually discover: physical exhaustion can lead to depression. 

My #1 Passion: Encouraging Moms

But depression did not win. Even though it showed up after every birth as postpartum, then moved into my life later as an unwelcome “house squatter.” Instead, it drove me to develop strategies for mental health. Strategies that work in every season of motherhood. (Because every season has challenges that can discourage the best moms.)

Motherhood is the most demanding job I’ve ever faced. It can be lonely, overwhelming, even traumatic. Children do and say things that cut a mother’s heart to the core, especially when it’s unexpected. Like when your six-year-old announces proudly, “Mom, you can die now because I know how to cook!”

Tough to hear when you were expecting to be adored. (Smile.)

So, Mama? Yeah, you. I’m creating a safe place for you to get the encouragement you need and deserve. Cause let’s face it, you’ve been chosen for a magnificent task by an omniscient God. He makes no mistakes, so we know you are the best person for the job.

My #2 Passion: Supporting Creative Businesses

When God arranged my circumstances in a way that forced me to learn about online business, I was not crazy about the idea. But it turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me. That’s not to say it was all rainbows and unicorns. I made a ton of mistakes along the way. And yet…

God used online business to help me crawl out of depression and to make me a better Christian. Discovering I could create and sell products that others actually wanted enough to pay for gave me a healthier (more biblical) self-image. Later, the Golden Rule drove me to use my analytical skills and legal secretary experience to help protect other creatives from trademark abuse. 

In what may seem a random detour from blogging, in 2018 I joined Trademark Watch Dawgs and spent about a year fighting questionable trademarks in the print-on-demand industry. The Letters of Protest we filed on behalf of other creatives taught me a lot, not only about the trademark system but about common mistakes that small business owners are making in the naming and protecting of their businesses.

Along the way, we stopped the registration of overreaching trademark applications by some major brands with deep pockets. I’m kind of a big deal. (Joke).

No, seriously, entrepreneurs are kind of a big deal to me. To understand why my trademark work matters, start here.

Who I Help

We might be a good fit if you want to

  • Be Happier: discover biblical, commonsense tips to gain confidence, simplify your home, experience love, and enjoy life – even messy mom life – smack-dab in the middle of crazy schedules and challenging individuals (which includes, basically, all of us)
  • Get Healthier: explore my collection of healthy recipes, nurturing tips, and alternative therapies to heal gut issues and support mental health naturally
  • Build a Strategic Online Business: create and protect digital products with zero up-front cost and confidently build a secure WordPress website just like the “big boys” so you can develop passive income and impact a needy world

These are the areas I’ve had the most success in. I love sharing the resources and strategies that have helped me.

My Entrepreneur Journey

My entrepreneur journey has included eCommerce, blogging, Internet marketing, publishing, book creation, copywriting, sales, and – in a strange twist of circumstances – trademark advocacy for creatives. Each of these experiences has changed me in profound ways that have nothing to do with making money, and yet everything to do with making money.

I’ve learned what the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12) looks like in business. And I’ve begun to experience an abundance mindset that I only thought I had before. And yet…

There are so many things that are even more important than business and money. Life is a vapor, friend. I’m on a quest to do what matters. Won’t you join me?